Enjoy a Delicious Dinner, Live Music, and a lovely atmosphere together at a beautiful American home with mountains in the background! We are excited about starting the new school year. All UVA International students are invited to The WELCOME PICNIC Saturday, August 31 at 4:30 PM ENJOY BEING AT A BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN HOME
This picnic and welcome event are for all international students and scholars at UVA. Students from around the world can come to ISI Activities and meet other students. Friendships are formed that can last throughout your time at UVA. Local American families interact with internationals throughout the picnic. The event is free and no registration is necessary! HOW TO GET A RIDE FROM UVA TO THE PICNIC There are multiple PICK-UP LOCATIONS for the picnic---> Trinity Van
REMEMBER: WE MEET AT ONE OF THE LOCATIONS MENTIONED ABOVE. WE WILL ENJOY THE FUN, PROGRAM, AND DINNER AND THEN FINISH AT ABOUT 7:15PM. Any questions or ideas??? Go to our website: isivirginia.com or contact: [email protected] or Patrick 434-760-1509 or Rajan 434-962-7631 In order to save gas and reduce parking problems, please try to carpool or join one of the buses instead of driving by yourself.